FAQ: desktop wallet
1. What should I do for having my NFT approved and displayed on the NFT section of my Hathor Desktop Wallet?
As an NFT is a token like any other, it does not require any prior approval to create.
However, an NFT usually has some digital media associated with it. In this case, for having that digital media displayed on both wallet's NFTs tab and explorer it is needed to submit a request for approval through this form.
2. How can I find my Hathor Desktop Wallet private key?
You cannot. For security reasons, we show the seed only at the time you back your wallet up.
3. How can I change the network in the Hathor Desktop Wallet?
By default, the Desktop wallet connects to the mainnet. To connect to the testnet, follow the steps:
- Click on the Settings icon in the bottom left corner.

- Press the button Change Server.
- Tick the option Select new server.
- Enter the URL https://node1.testnet.hathor.network/v1a/ of the testnet server.
- Inform the PIN.
- Press the button Connect to server.

4. How can I enable notifications for new transactions?
In the desktop wallet, you can set it in the settings. The wallet mobile app does not support such an operation yet, but this feature will be added in the future.
5. What does "Locked" mean in the Desktop wallet under "Total" and "Available"?
Mined blocks need to wait some more blocks to spend the rewards. Then, when a miner mines a block, the reward is locked for 300 blocks. Besides that, the wallet can send an output with a timelock, which basically says that you can't spend a given output until some date and time. Those output values show in your wallet as "Locked".
6. Why does the Desktop Wallet take so long to be ready after I open it and put my pin?
Nowadays it depends on the number of transactions your wallet has and how many addresses you've already used. We have a new wallet service that is in the final development phase that will speed up the wallet load even for millions of transactions. Soon your wallet will load much faster.
7. Why does Desktop Wallet list 20 available addresses?
The wallet uses the gap limit default value, i.e., 20. Then, it starts with 20 empty (with no transactions associated) addresses to be used in transactions. Although an address can be used indefinitely, every time an empty address is used, a new one is generated. This way the wallet always keeps a sequence of 20 distinct empty addresses in memory.