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FAQ: custom tokens

1. How can I stake HTR tokens?

It is not possible to stake HTR tokens once the Hathor Network uses a Proof-of-Work-based consensus mechanism.

2. Can I configure the decimal places of a custom token?

Currently, Hathor supports only two decimal places for any token.

3. What are the limits of the headless wallet API for minting an NFT via and where can I find them?

Only two NFT attributes have limitations: name - 30 characters, and symbol - 5 characters. The description of these and all other attributes can be found in the wallet headless API documentation.

4. Why is it not possible to register two NFTs with the same symbol in my wallet?

An NFT can have a symbol equal to another one. Tokens created on Hathor can have the same name/symbol and only the UID is unique for any token.

On the other hand, the wallet cannot register two tokens with the same name/symbol for security reasons so you don't get deceived by anyone trying to pretend to send you a fake token.

5. Is the creation of tokens comparable to ERC20-tokens on Ethereum?

Ethereum implements tokens using smart contracts in compliance with its ERC-20 standard. Hathor takes a different approach for building tokens: there are no smart contracts, solidity, or anything of the sort involved. Tokens are built-in in our network, which allows them to operate exactly as HTRs.

Nonetheless, Hathor tokens are compatible with ERC-20 tokens, meaning that all functionality provided by ERC-20 tokens can also be performed on Hathor tokens. In addition, there's also the ability to create (token mint) or destroy tokens (token melt). These are not in the ERC-20 standard, but many ERC-20 tokens implement this additional functionality.