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Create and start a wallet and add to store.



Create and start a wallet and add to store.




Data to start the wallet

    wallet-id stringrequired

    Defines the key of wallet that future requests will need to use as a reference.

    passphrase string

    Passphrase of the wallet that will be created.

    seedKey stringrequired

    Key of the corresponding seed in the config file to create the wallet.

    seed string

    24-words seed separated with spaces. This parameter is incompatible with seedKey. Either seed or seedKey are required.

    xpubkey string

    Account level xpubkey. This will be used to start wallet on readonly mode.

    multisig boolean

    Start as a multisig wallet. Requires multisig configuration.

    multisigKey string

    Key of the multisig wallet data in the config. This allow wallets to be started without a seedKey, e.g. with the seed on the parameters or from an xpubkey.

    scanPolicy string

    Possible values: [gap-limit, index-limit]

    Default value: gap-limit

    Address scanning policy to use.

    gapLimit number

    Gap limit to use when scanning addresses. Only used when scanPolicy is set to 'gap-limit'. If not given the configured default will apply.

    policyStartIndex number

    Default value: 0

    Load addresses starting from this index. Only used when scanPolicy is set to 'index-limit'.

    policyEndIndex number

    Stop loading addresses at this index. Only used when scanPolicy is set to 'index-limit'. Defaults to policyStartIndex

    historySyncMode string

    Possible values: [polling_http_api, xpub_stream_ws, manual_stream_ws]

    Default value: polling_http_api

    History sync mode for the wallet to use.


Start a wallet


