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Build a transaction with many outputs without sending. Will not include signatures.



Build a transaction with many outputs without sending. Will not include signatures.


Header Parameters

    x-wallet-id stringrequired

    Defines the key of the wallet on which the request will be executed.



Data to create the transaction




    Outputs to create the transaction.

  • Array [

  • address string

    Destination address of the output. Required if P2PKH or P2SH.

    value integer

    The value parameter must be an integer with the value in cents, i.e., 123 means 1.23 HTR. Required if P2PKH or P2SH.

    token string

    Token id of the output. If not sent, HTR will be chosen.

    type string

    Type of output script. Required if data script and expected to be "data".

    data string

    Data string of the data script output. Required if it's a data script output.

  • ]

  • inputs


    Inputs to create the transaction.

  • Array [

  • hash string

    Hash of the transaction being spent in this input. Used if not type query.

    index integer

    Index of the output being spent in this input. Used if not type query.

    type string

    Type of input object. Can be 'query' only for now.

    max_utxos integer

    Maximum number of utxos to filter in the query. Optional query parameter when using type query.

    token string

    Token uid to filter utxos in the query. Optional query parameter when using type query.

    filter_address string

    Address to filter utxos in the query. Optional query parameter when using type query.

    amount_smaller_than integer

    Filter only utxos with value smaller than this. Optional query parameter when using type query.

    amount_bigger_than integer

    Filter only utxos with value bigger than this. Optional query parameter when using type query.

  • ]

  • change_address string

    Optional address to send the change amount.


Send a transaction with many outputs


