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Install events-into-websocket plugin into headless wallet


This article will guide you to install the events-into-websocket plugin in Hathor headless wallet.

The events-into-websocket plugin is part of the external notification feature. To know more about this feature, see Hathor external notifications.


Hathor headless wallet \ge v0.19.0


  1. Install dependency.
  2. Configure and enable the plugin.

Step 1: install dependency

  1. Open the command line from the directory where you installed Hathor headless wallet.
  2. Run the command to install the dependency:
npm install ws@^8.11.0

Step 2: configure and enable the plugin

If you installed Hathor headless wallet from source code, you must modify both the src/config.js file and the command to start the application, to respectively enable and configure the plugin:

  1. Open the command line from the directory where you installed Hathor headless wallet.
  2. Open the src/config.js file.
  3. Add 'ws' to the array of values of the enabled_plugins property to enable the plugin.

If you are enabling multiple plugins, value shall be an array of plugin ids: enabled_plugins: ['PluginId1', 'PluginId2', ...].

At the end of this substep, the config.js file will be as follows:

module.exports = {


enabled_plugins: ['ws'],

plugin_config: {},



Note that the events-into-websocket plugin runs a websocket server along with Hathor headless wallet.

  1. Choose the port you want the websocket clients to connect.
  2. To start the wallet application, append the --plugin_ws_port <websocket_server_chosen_port> parameter, replacing the <websocket_server_chosen_port> placeholder with your chosen port.

At the end of this step, the command to start the wallet application will be as follows:

npm start -- --plugin_ws_port <websocket_server_chosen_port>

Task completed

You have installed the events-into-websocket plugin in your instance of Hathor headless wallet and are now running a websocket server that will send all events to all its connected websocket clients.

The events-into-websocket plugin is part of the external notification feature. To know how to use this plugin or install other plugins of this feature, see Hathor external notifications.