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Install headless wallet with Docker


This article will guide you to install Hathor headless wallet as a Docker container.


Requirements for operating Hathor headless wallet.


For production environment:

  • CPU: 2 vCPU
  • Memory: 0.5 GB
  • Bandwidth: 5 Gbps

Reference machine: AWS EC2 type t3.nano


Platform: Docker \ge v20.10.22.


  1. Generate seed phrase.
  2. Start the containerized application.

Step 1: generate seed phrase

  1. Start a shell session.

The shell command to run a container with Hathor headless wallet requires you to provide a seed phrase that defines a wallet. If you already have a previously generated seed phrase (i.e., wallet), you may use it. Otherwise, you must generate a new seed phrase.

  1. (Optional) If you don't have a wallet seed phrase, generate a new one:
docker run --rm --entrypoint /bin/sh \
hathornetwork/hathor-wallet-headless \
-c "make words"

The output will be a string of 24 random words.


Anyone with access to a seed phrase can manage the funds of the associated wallet. Also, you cannot manage your wallet without access to the seed phrase or the private keys generated from it. Thus, we strongly recommend storing a backup of the seed phrase (either digital, physical, or both) and ensuring that both the backup and the chosen installation directory are protected against unauthorized access.

Step 2: Start the containerized application

Start the docker container, replacing the <24_words_seed_phrase_string> placeholder with the seed phrase:

docker run \
-it -p 8000:8000 \
hathornetwork/hathor-wallet-headless \
--seed_default '<24_words_seed_phrase_string>' \
--network mainnet \

The previous command will run a container based on the latest built image available at Hathor profile on Docker Hub.

With the presented configuration, the application starts listening to port 8000 and connects to a public full node of the Hathor Network mainnet.

Task completed

You now have a running instance of Hathor headless wallet. To know how to operate and use this application, see Hathor headless wallet pathway.