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Mint tokens

Minting tokens.


  • x-wallet-id: Wallet identifier.
  • token: UID of the token to mint.
  • amount: The amount of tokens to mint. It must be an integer with the value in cents, i.e., 123 means 1.23.

Optional Parameters

  • address: Destination address of minted tokens. If not informed, the next available wallet address is used.
  • change_address: Optional address to send the change amount.


curl -X POST -H "X-Wallet-Id: default-wallet" -H "Content-type: application/json" \
--data '{"token": "008a62793ccd07bd21c7d9b2c20f718d1545911130e74da2c78b932f5fec6904", "address": "WVLqNPWmX1t2y1LcGCXF1etCV9TLZnPfw4", "amount": 50}' \

Note that if the token to be minted has been created from the /wallet/create-token endpoint, the UID is taken from the hash property of its respective response. The next JSON is a summarized view of the response obtained from such an endpoint after creating the Test Coin token; the hash property value is being used to mint tokens via /wallet/mint-tokens.

"name":"Test Coin",


The data attribute value has been replaced by the "+" symbol to make the JSON easier to visualize.
