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How to upgrade Hathor full node


We inform that on March 8, 2024, we released v0.59.0 of Hathor core, the official client for operating a full node in Hathor Network.

We suggest always keeping your full node upgraded. However, the upgrade to v0.59.0 is crucial, as it marks a significant step in the roll-out of a new synchronization algorithm called sync-v2. From v0.59.0 onwards, the use of sync-v2 becomes the default among network peers.

Synchronization is one of the primary processes for the functioning of a blockchain network, by which all full nodes maintain the same ledger. The previous algorithm — called sync-v1 — might use more CPU than needed and this is fixed by sync-v2.

With the release of v0.59.0, Hathor Network started a transition stage from its synchronization algorithm. During this stage, network peers can sync using either of the two algorithms — sync-v2 being the default. In the near future this stage will end, and full nodes using only sync-v1 — i.e., versions earlier than v0.59.0 — will no longer be able to sync with the network. Once all node operators (partners) upgrade to v0.59.0 or later, this transition stage will be complete.

Besides sync-v2, this version is also the first to test feature activation on the mainnet. Feature activation is the process of conditionally activating a specific feature within a decentralized network. To know more about it, see Feature activation RFC.

In this test, we will apply feature activation to some dummy features — that is, they perform no actions except for logging. However, these are crucial for node operators to verify that their integration correctly works with bit signaling.

To know in detail what changed in this new version, see Hathor core release notes.


This article will guide you through upgrading a Hathor full node.

We advise operators to upgrade their full nodes whenever Hathor team releases a version with critical modification — i.e., those who address security issues or greatly alter the system's machinery. To follow such releases, see Hathor core release notes.


Having a running version of Hathor core different from the latest one. To see the latest release, see Hathor core release notes.


Here are the common steps to upgrade the full node that connects to Hathor's mainnet. The actual procedures depend on your infrastructure, and you should adapt them accordingly:

  1. Keep the same peer.json file. You shall never replace it.
  2. Keep the same directory with the blockchain database.
  3. Replace Hathor core with the target version. You can use the source code at Hathor core release notes or the Docker image file at hathornetwork/hathor-core.
  4. Run the node exactly as you used to run it before. To remember how, see Hathor full node installing section.

Additional tips

The previous procedure presumes that your full node is synced with Hathor network. If this is not the case, you have the following alternatives:

Task completed

Hathor team will notify node operators to upgrade their full nodes whenever we release a critical version.